Saturday, February 6, 2010

Party time...

WARNING: lots of pictures!!
Dublin had his 2nd birthday party today, it was a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse themed party and I have to say it was really cute! We had been talking about throwing a huge party and inviting all his little play friends but in the end we decided to have a small family party.

I decided to make funfetti cupcakes this year instead of a store bought cake and they came out AMAZING! I don't mean to toot my own horn but toot toot haha. The yellow was the best!
The cute banner I made.
A close up of the banner, not bad for doing it at 1:30 a.m.
Family photo! We're sooo cute!
Me and my sweet baby girl.
Opening some of his gifts, he got soo many cute outfits this year! I think I enjoyed all his presents this year more than he did haha.

Great grandma and Great grandpa Challman with Tessa. Grandma held Tessa almost the whole party! It was really awesome to watch.
Me and mommy.
Me and Caitlin.
Dublin was so excited to eat his cupcake he kept blowing out the candle before we could even sing happy birthday to him! I was so funny!

Take two!
He had to lick it first to make sure he really wanted it haha
Yup it yummy! He did exactly what he did last year, he dips his finger in the frosting and then licks it off. He HATES to be messy and that's the cleanest way he can eat cake haha. It's hard to believe my baby is two...but it was a lot of fun to celebrate!


  1. I can't BELIEVE you were able to do such a cute party so soon after having Tessa! Super Mom!

  2. Happy Birthday Dublin! Cute party Brittany and super cute hair!
