I'm Brittany. I'm lucky enough to get to stay home and chase my little ones all day! And I wouldn't have it anyother way. I'm happily married to my wonderful husband Steven, we've been married for 7 years and are looking forward to the next 50 together. I'm also a snack carrying, story reading, booboo kisser for two of the most amazing kids ever!! Dublin is 6, and the worlds best big brother! He is the sweetest little boy with the biggest heart. And then there is baby Tessa, our little lovebug. She is 4 years old and our little adorable princess.
The title pretty much sums up all the pictures. We went to an ugly sweater party and killed it :) Needless to say I won the ugly sweater contest hands down
Jackie was my biggest competition for ugliest sweater :)
Charli wearing her Charlie Brown sweater ha ha.
In addition to the sweater contest we had dinner, a white elephant gift exchange and we played scattergories. It was a lot of fun!
Me, Steve and Jason in the background ha ha!! LOVE the Moose hat!
Ahhh! That's sounds like it was awesome!! That's a rad party to have!