Thursday, August 5, 2010

Is summer over yet??

Ah I love being a mommy! Seriously I have the BEST job in the world! I get to spend all day with my two favorite people, what's better than that?!?! And I mean really they get cuter and sillier everyday.
This little goober tries so hard to take his own shirt off but just isn't able to yet and the results are hilarious!
It ends up looking like this...
while making this face and grunting :) I just can't believe how fast he is growing and how much he is learning! He is doing so well with potty training and speaking more and more everyday (most of the time it's a good thing ha ha).
And little Miss Chunker is looking and acting less and less like a baby everyday! So sad!! She sits up all by herself and it just breaks my heart to see it! I wanna keep her little :)
Of course painting her nails only makes her look older :)

This is what happens every time we go see my parents. Dublin is always with his Papa and Tessa with her Grandma. It really is so sweet.
We went over the other day so that my mom could help my can some of my garden goodies. It was my first time canning anything and I was so excited (I feel so nerdy and old admitting that).
Some of my lovely's still crazy to think I grew all of them! I think it helps that we made the garden a family thing, that way it's not a burden to take care of but a fun activity that we all do at night.
Getting close!
All done!! What! I couldn't believe it (once again I feel old and nerdy). I planning on using them in our spaghetti sauce for dinner next week, I just have to try them :)
We made pizza for FHE the other night and Dublin helped put all the toppings on, he did really well. It doesn't look like a two year old did it :)
But then I noticed him eating all the pepperoni off of it before we even put it in the oven! What a stinker!

Check out those legs!!! Roll City!! :)
We also have been enjoying Shark Week this week and Dublin is LOVING it!! He even went and found these goggles that go to his work bench and has been wearing them around because they look like the snorkel mask. Then he gets on the floor and "swims" while occasionally screaming "ahhh shark!!". Maybe we've been watching a little too much shark week :)

1 comment:

  1. What an adorable post!! And I am actually totally jealous, I want to learn how to can so bad!! Congratulations on growing those beautiful tomatoes!!
