So yesterday after Steven got off of work his co-workers thru us a baby shower! How sweet was that?? We got to sit around and visit with everyone for awhile which was really nice. Then we got down to business and I started chowing down on the food, it was catered by Chili's, and it was all delicious!! And of course a yummy sugary big fat piece of cake (I think that one piece will be sticking to me for awhile lol).
We also got to play some really cute baby shower game, we played like the price is right type game were we guessed how much a bunch of different baby items cost. After baby bingo we started opening our gifts...that was the best part! We got a really cool diaper cake!! I've always wanted one and now I have one :) Unfortunately with all the good came some bad...some UGLY outfits lol. I'm definitely grateful for the shower and the gifts but whoa! Oh well that good and the bad, right??
Just do what I do... figure out where the UGLY outfits came from (they are usually from walmart) and go return them for a giftcard. Then you can buy whatever things you need for the baby! It's too bad some people have really bad taste in outfits. But thank the heavens above for the ability to RETURN stuff! LOL