Yesterday Tessa turned 1 month old! Where does the time go?? Seriously this first month has just flown by so quickly!
She weighs 8 lbs 4 oz (still not back to her birth weight)
And is a little over 20 inches long
She is doing great, meeting milestones everyday and her personality is really starting to show.
She has the sweetest spirit, I think she's going to be a very kind and loving person.
Despite being so sweet and calm she knows how to chow down like a little piggy! I'm so grateful for the fact that she's a fantastic eater :)
Favorite thing to do: Sleep
I've always enjoyed my sleep but she puts me to shame! This kid can sleep, and I'm NOT complaining! Her absolute favorite is sleeping on our chest (thanks a lot Caitlin! haha).
She still hasn't slept in her crib...maybe soon. I think I enjoy having her in our room because it's so close and in the middle of the night I'm really lazy and don't wanna walk down the hall to feed her :)
What she hates the most: having her diaper changed and unfortunately she make a lot of dirty diapers!
She is also getting so much stronger, she holds her head up so much better. That is something I've had to get used to, Dublin was able to hold his head up since he was born but I guess that's just part of being a tank :) Watching Dublin and Tessa together really makes my heart melt :)
Brittany she looks like a mini you. And, what the heck!?! Why don't my kids like to sleep?
ReplyDeleteWhat can I say she just loved when I would hold her! And when you lay her on your chest it just reminds her of her Aunt Caitlin:)