Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Lazy Day...

To day is definitely a lazy day for the McClure family! When I woke up this morning I knew it was gonna be the kind of day where you don't get out of you jammies :)
I let Dublin eat his breakfast on the couch (shh don't tell Daddy) and watch his cartoons while I fed Tessa.
After eating I put Tessa in her "bear"suit as we call it. This is like a treat for her, she passes out as soon as she sees it :) Especially after she has a full belly! I won't be hearing a peep outta her for a few hours haha.
Now I'm debating as to whether or not I should get ready for the day or sit here and blog some more...It's just every time I don't do my make-up someone shows up at my doorstep. And I really hate when people see me with out my "face" on. Ugh I'm really paranoid now so I'm off to shower and put on some foundation.
I will be back later to blog some more because well it's a lazy day (my favorite kind :))

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I recognize that "bear" suit! Ella only wore it once because she didn't like it. Tessa's so cute in it! I so need to have another girl so that I can get some use out of it.
