Sunday, July 18, 2010

How to Train Your Dragon...

We finally did it yesterday...we took the kids to the movies for the very first time. It was hot outside and the thought of a nice cool movie theater with popcorn and soda sounded sooo good! We took them to see How To Train Your Dragon at the dollar theater. I really didn't wanna pay to much just in case they didn't sit thru it, but they both did! And they loved it!
Our little miss chunkers was so good! We played in the arcade before it started.
Dublin did a little racing :) We don't even put money in anymore because....well...because he thinks he's racing anyways :)
We wanted to take pictures in the photo booth but couldn't figure out where to insert the money ha ha. It was hidden at the bottom of the seat, what??!! I don't know why.
So we took our own photo booth pictures with our camera :)
I love me some chunky baby girl :)
A family of four is not easy to squeeze into a small booth! But we tried.
And tried again with even less success.
I love the goofy face she was making!
Her daddy won a ball for her outta the claw machine. He was so proud of himself! He seriously tries every time we go and this was his first win :) Plus she loved it!

On our way into the movie. Next time I think we're gonna go see Toy Story 3.

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